Friday, April 19, 2013

Crafty Con

A few weeks ago, the Dayton Circus Creative Collective held the 2nd Annual Dayton Crafty-Con to raise funds for their 8th annual Sideshow.  It was basically a craft show & sale, but with a bonus "Battle of the Crafters," a kind of Iron Chef-style crafting competition. I got some really awesome goodies, talked to some great people, and managed to take a few pics along the way. Oh, and had an awesome mac-n-cheese gourmet hot dog from the Zombie Dogz food truck. Love them! I didn't get pics of all the vendors, because there were a lot, and they were all awesome, and my camera battery died in like, the first half hour. (I can't seem to stop saying awesome. It just was.) I did manage to get some fuzzy cell phone pics, but there are a lot more pictures on the Crafty-Con Facebook page, so visit the links below. 
The theme for the second round was "music" and resulted in this Deadmau5-style headgear.

The winner of the second round. Dope!

The third round crafters created a decorative mirror, a mobile, and the winning entry, a tote bag in the "circus" theme.

The championship round winners and their Sideshow donations vessel, to be used at a future Sideshow event!

Food truck love

I tried the "Calling in Dead" and it was delish!

Loved the knitted can coozies with a handy handle. Loved them enough I bought one as a gift for my sister. More beer, fewer beer fouls. Win-win! Thanks Blue Planet Creations!

Cute knitted monsters. Grr!

The fairy gardens were extraordinary.  My camera just couldn't capture them right.
See FairyGardensByLori on Facebook for more pics.

Macabre art and pins by Sunny Skye Creations

Witty cards by Cathartic Slant. (I bought one of her art prints as well.)

Rubber stamps from 100 Proof Press.

Lissa Lush makes stuff!

Amazing reproduction of Starry Night using soda cans! By Metal Art Xpressions.

YAY for recycling! 

Be awesome to each other!

For more information, visit:
Circus Creative Collective
Dayton Sideshow on Facebook
Sideshow 8 funding project
Zombie Dogz